The Rocky Mountain Rally would like to thank Tourism Radium Hot Springs and the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce for their support of the event. Without their help, bringing this exciting event back to the Columbia Valley would have been almost impossible. When Visiting the region, make sure to enjoy the local hospitality, check out the local businesses, and don’t forget to thank everyone you see for having us in their community!

The Rocky Mountain Rally is pleased to be contributing to Radium Hot Spring’s Save our Sheep campaign
Radium’s iconic Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep herd is in danger. Once at 250, the herd’s numbers dropped to 120 in Fall 2021. Between 2021 and the end of 2022, another 14 sheep were killed by vehicle impacts in and around Radium – the majority on the Radium hill south of the village. A number of others were hit by vehicles but able to scramble away, leaving them injured or worse. With the reduction in the speed limit to 70 km/hr, we are hoping that the message is getting out to drivers to SLOW YOUR ROLL to help alleviate further collisions

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A Banff-style wildlife overpass for Radium hill has been approved by the Provincial government and through your support we can help get this overpass built faster & SAVE THE HERD.
Pancake Breakfast and Fundraiser at the Park Expose and official start … 9:00 am June 3 Downtown Invermere!In support of Columbia Valley Search and Rescue Columbia Valley Search and Rescue (CVSAR)Special Thanks to ION² Suspension (ION² Progression-Suspension#ion2suspension Valhalla Pure Valhalla Pure Outfitters Invermere